ROOT 3.02/06 and GiNaC 1.0.3

Hans Peter Würmli wurmli at
Sun Jan 6 17:34:55 CET 2002

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 22:35:38 +0100 (CET)
"Richard B. Kreckel" <kreckel at> wrote:

> Guess what?  This is a constant source of trouble: Cint wants to link
> against every function/method that has ever been declared.  

I realise that, but have not yet been very successful with makecint, but will continue trying. 

> > Could anybody give me a hint, what I should do?
> Please try to download the ginaccint sources from the usual FTP-site,
> install a vanilla Cint (without Root) and see how that works.  I was
> reasonably successful with Cint version 5.15.24.  If this enlightens you,
> then proceed with Root.
Thank you, that worked to make a working ginaccint. Hopefully, I manage to go on to make a shared library that can be imported into ROOT. (Unfortunately, tomorrow starts work again, and I can only play in my pasttime.) 

Best regards

Hans Peter

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