Educative sofware using Ginac

Jean-Pierre Branchard Jean-Pierr.Branchard at
Sun Oct 6 01:55:12 CEST 2002

"Ginette" is a free software project for GNU/Linux system. It was made in 
order to help the teenagers in solving equations and linear systems.
"Ginette" read the equations from a text file which was written by the
teacher. For each equation, the student have to choose between few operations
in a combo-box. Theses operations will bring him gradually to the equation's
solution. For example, to solve the equation "2x+3=-5x+4", the student can
choose to substrac 3 from the two parts of the equation. The software's
answer will be "2x=-5x+1" etc... This symbolic computation is based on the
library "GINAC". The interface for the user is written with GTK-1.2.
I use GTK rather GTKmm so as to make a version of "Ginette" for the
MS-Windows system, but I need some help to use Ginac with MS Windows.

You can find "ginette" here :

Jean-Pierr.branchard at

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