GiNaC 1.0.13 now available

Christian Bauer cbauer at
Mon Jan 27 19:14:01 CET 2003


The GiNaC Development Group (which is effectively reduced to one member now)
wishes everybody a Happy New Year (belatedly) and a Happy <insert-your-
favorite-religiously-motivated-around-new-year-celebration-here>, and is
proud to present GiNaC 1.0.13, the latest in C++-based made-for-physicists-
but-useful-for-other-people-too computer algebra library technology. Now with
these exciting new features:

 * Contracting epsilon tensors with Euclidean indices now works.
 * Improved dummy index symmetrization in sums.
 * Added dirac_gammaL/R(), which can be used instead of dirac_gamma6/7()
   but are single objects, to allow for a more compact notation of Dirac
 * Powers with negative numeric exponents are printed as fractions in the
   LaTeX output.
 * Added symbolic_matrix() for the convenient creation of matrices filled
   with symbols.
 * Added collect_common_factors() which collects common factors from the
   terms of sums.
 * simplify_indexed() converts "gamma~mu*" to "p\".

As usual, it's available from our FTP server:

Happy computing,

  / Coding on PowerPC and proud of it

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