[GiNaC-list] GiNaC 1.2.4

Jens Vollinga vollinga at thep.physik.uni-mainz.de
Tue Oct 12 19:01:03 CEST 2004


GiNaC 1.2.4 is out and available. The changes are:

- Added ex::unitcontprim() to compute the unit, content, and primitive parts
  of a polynomial in one go.
- binomial(n, k) evaluates for non-integer arguments n.
- Li(2,x) now evaluates for +-I.
- Optimized Li(2,x).
- Fixed bug in Li(n,x) (if Li(2,x) was calculated with high precision the
  enlargement of the look-up table caused a segmentation fault).
- Fixed another bug in the series expansion of powers, and a bug in

As always, this release can be downloaded from



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