[GiNaC-list] build problems with ver.1.3.3
Joerg Arndt
jj at suse.de
Thu Nov 24 12:59:00 CET 2005
attached is the log of a failed build of ginac 1.3.3
gcc used is:
The log is virtually identical for
i386, ia64, ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x, x86_64.
As the problems look rather generic I'd recommend these errors and
warnings be fixed in the original package (instead of producing
another SuSE patch).
[resent because uncompressed log is >40KB and rejected]
attached is the bzip2 compressed log
p=2^q-1 prime <== q>2, cosh(2^(q-2)*log(2+sqrt(3)))%p=0
Life is hard and then you die.
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