[GiNaC-list] Geometric Algebra
Vladimir Kisil
kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Wed Sep 28 19:26:19 CEST 2005
Alan Bromborsky (AB) wrote:
AB> To do this I must do a grade decomposition of multivectors.
I attach a sample program which defines a function to this end:
lst clifford_multi_decomp(const ex & e, const ex & c)
For Clifford algebra in N dimensional space it returns a list of 2^n
coefficients in the standard Clifford algebra basis, i.e. element of the
list with the binary number 101 corresponds to e~2e~0, 110 -- to e~2e~1,
010 -- to e~1, etc. Please note, that the ordering of the units in the
poducts like e~2e~0 is determined by GiNaC in canonicalize_clifford()
Once clifford_multi_decomp() will be sufficiently tested I can prepare a
patch for its inclusion to the GiNaC core library.
Vladimir V. Kisil email: kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
-- www: http://maths.leeds.ac.uk/~kisilv/
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>
#include <ginac/ginac.h>
using namespace GiNaC;
#define _ex2 numeric(2)
/* An auxiliary function used by simplify_indexed() and expand_dummy_sum()
* It returns an exvector of factors from the supplied product */
static void product_to_exvector(const ex & e, exvector & v, bool & non_commutative)
// Remember whether the product was commutative or noncommutative
// (because we chop it into factors and need to reassemble later)
non_commutative = is_exactly_a<ncmul>(e);
// Collect factors in an exvector, store squares twice
v.reserve(e.nops() * 2);
if (is_exactly_a<power>(e)) {
// We only get called for simple squares, split a^2 -> a*a
} else {
for (size_t i=0; i<e.nops(); i++) {
ex f = e.op(i);
if (is_exactly_a<power>(f) && f.op(1).is_equal(_ex2)) {
} else if (is_exactly_a<ncmul>(f)) {
// Noncommutative factor found, split it as well
non_commutative = true; // everything becomes noncommutative, ncmul will sort out the commutative factors later
for (size_t j=0; j<f.nops(); j++)
} else
void product_to_blade(const ex & f, const ex & c, lst & res) {
int num = 0;
// Collect factors in an exvector
exvector v, s;
unsigned char rl = ex_to<clifford>(c).get_representation_label();
// Remember whether the product was commutative or noncommutative
// (because we chop it into factors and need to reassemble later)
bool non_commutative;
product_to_exvector(f, v, non_commutative);
exvector::const_iterator cit = v.begin(), citend = v.end();
while (cit != citend) {
if (is_a<clifford>(*cit) && is_a<cliffordunit>(cit->op(0)) && (ex_to<clifford>(*cit).get_representation_label() == rl)
&& ex_to<clifford>(*cit).same_metric(c)) {
if (ex_to<varidx>(cit->op(1)).is_numeric())
num = num + (int)exp2(ex_to<numeric>(ex_to<varidx>(cit->op(1)).get_value()).to_int());
throw(std::invalid_argument("product_toblade(): cannot decompose into blades with symbolic indices"));
} else if (is_a<ncmul>(*cit))
product_to_blade(*cit, c, res);
res.let_op(num) = res.op(num) + remove_dirac_ONE(non_commutative ? ex(ncmul(s)) : ex(mul(s)), rl);
lst clifford_multi_decomp(const ex & e, const ex & c) {
throw(std::invalid_argument("clifford_multi_decom (): cannot decompose into blades with symbolic dimension"));
int D = ex_to<numeric>(ex_to<varidx>(c.op(1)).get_dim()).to_int();
lst res;
for(size_t i=0; i < exp2(D); i++)
ex e_exp = canonicalize_clifford(expand_dummy_sum(e, true));
if (is_a<mul>(e_exp) || is_a<ncmul>(e_exp))
product_to_blade(e_exp, c, res);
else if (is_a<add>(e_exp))
for (size_t i=0; i < e_exp.nops(); i++)
product_to_blade(e_exp.op(i), c, res);
throw(std::invalid_argument("clifford_multi_decom (): cannot decompose into blades this object"));
return res;
int main() {
realsymbol a("a"), s("s");
symbol x("x"), y("y");
varidx mu(symbol("mu"), 3), nu(symbol("nu"), 3);
ex M = diag_matrix(lst(-1,-1,s));
ex c = clifford_unit(mu, M, 1);
ex e;
e = 2*clifford_unit(varidx(1, 3), M, 1)+x*clifford_unit(varidx(1, 3), M)*clifford_unit(varidx(2, 3, 1), M);
cout << clifford_multi_decomp(e, c) << endl << endl;
e = 2*a*dirac_gamma(varidx(2,3))*dirac_gamma(varidx(1,3))*
clifford_unit(varidx(2,3), M, 1)*clifford_unit(varidx(1,3), M, 1)
+x*clifford_unit(mu, M, 1)*clifford_unit(mu.toggle_variance(), M, 1)
+clifford_unit(varidx(0,3), M, 1)*clifford_unit(varidx(1,3), M)
+y*clifford_unit(mu, M, 1)*indexed(matrix(1,3,lst(1,-1,1)),mu.toggle_variance())
+5*clifford_unit(varidx(0,3), M, 1)*clifford_unit(varidx(1,3), M, 1)*clifford_unit(varidx(2,3), M, 1);
cout << clifford_multi_decomp(e, c) << endl << endl;
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