[GiNaC-list] (const) ostream&

Harald Devos Harald.Devos at elis.UGent.be
Tue Dec 26 15:41:13 CET 2006


the print functions declared in ginac/print.h
all take "std::ostream &" as an argument.

I wonder if this could be changed to
"const std::ostream &". Else functions receiving
a "const std::ostream &" (in any program using the GiNaC
library) cause troubles when calling
the print functions of the ginac library.

Kind regards and best wishes for 2007.

	Harald Devos.

Harald Devos
Electronics and Information Systems Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Ghent University,
St. Pietersnieuwstraat 41,            O O
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium               O     O
work phone: +32-9-264.34.51
     fax:   +32-9-264.35.94        O
email: hmdevos at elis.UGent.be

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