[GiNaC-list] Airy functions

Jan Bos jb68 at xs4all.nl
Sun Dec 16 15:15:20 CET 2007

Dear All,

Please find attached an arbitrary precision implementation of AiryAi,
AiryBi and their derivatives. The implementation is based on the
following paper:

A. Gil, J. Segura, N.M. Temme, ``Computing complex Airy functions by
numerical quadrature'', Report MAS-R0117, 2001.

which is also attached.

This work was conducted as part of the European FP6 project; "Photonic
Integrated devices in Activated Amorphous and Crystalline
Oxides" (PI-Oxide) http://pi-oxide.el.utwente.nl/  that granted
permission to publish the code in the public domain.

We would be grateful if you would consider the code for inclusion in a
future release.

Best regards

Jan Bos
Phone: +31 53 4836460
PO Box 545, 7500 AM
Enschede, The Netherlands

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Url : http://www.cebix.net/pipermail/ginac-list/attachments/20071216/5db2e4b2/Airy-0002.bin
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Url : http://www.cebix.net/pipermail/ginac-list/attachments/20071216/5db2e4b2/AiryImpl-0002.bin
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