[GiNaC-list] Re: regression in handling non-commutative objects

Sheplyakov Alexei varg at theor.jinr.ru
Thu Sep 13 11:02:21 CEST 2007


On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 05:24:42PM +0200, Jens Vollinga wrote:
> Chris' patch from 21 Aug 2006 that is labeled  "Made also ncmuls rename 
> dummy indices." introduces the slowdown.

Well, I was aware of that -- I played with Diegos code, did git-bisect and
found out "bad" patch. However, I don't understand _why_ that patch
slows down the evaluation of the expression which has no indices at all.

> >commit 9507ddbf35326a15e98428f81b095d300b1a84cc
> >Author: Chris Dams <Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it>
> >Date:   Mon Aug 21 14:59:11 2006 +0000
> >
> >Reverting it removes the slowdown.
> Now I am confused! What should that text tell me? It is no CVS log. Is 
> it an excerpt from a private conversation? A private git commit?!?

This is git commit. It is not exactly private, the repository is available at
It contains "official" and "hijacked" branches. "Official" ones are mirrored
from GiNaC CVS. I thought the date would help you to identify corresponding
CVS commit[s].

Best regards,

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.

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