[GiNaC-list] modify source, run make, then ...

Alexei Sheplyakov varg at theor.jinr.ru
Fri Jul 11 13:19:55 CEST 2008


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 05:56:57AM -0500, Chris Bouchard wrote:

> The file, r.cpp, is part of another shared library, xloops.  


> By modifying r.cpp, running 'make' and then running 'make install'
> the changes made to r.cpp were incorporated (the error message thrown
> was the modified message).

Another way is to start your program with proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH
*without* installing the shared library to its final location, i.e.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/xloops/xloops/.libs /path/to/the/binary

This method is useful if you don't want to override the previous version
of shared library for some reason.

> After stumbling upon the solution it appears my original question should
> have been posted to a beginner's gcc msg board and not GiNaC.
> Sorry for the clutter.

No problem. BTW, the question has very little to do with gcc. It's rather
'How do ELF shared libraries work on *nixy OSes?'

Best regards,

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.

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