[GiNaC-list] Weird: symbol * ddq_i, my_ex.subs((*ddq_i)==0) my_ex.subs(*ddq_i==0) my_ex.subs(symbol(*ddq_i)==0) ??

Jens Vollinga jens.vollinga at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 27 20:41:58 CEST 2011

Hi Javier,

your information is a bit confusing. First you write:

On 27.07.2011 19:23, Javier Ros wrote:
> the following trivial simplifications
> my_ex.subs((*ddq_i)==0)
> go wrong no correct substitution, in different ways

then you write:

> Interestingly  until now I was simplifying correctly using
> my_ex.subs((*ddq_i)==0)

So, once it goes wrong, then it goes well?!? Did you upgrade GiNaC to a 
newer version, maybe?

Anyway, could you, if possible, send a complete code example to explain 
your problem? It is hard to guess what the problem might be, otherwise.


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