[GiNaC-list] Ginac compile with MSVC

Rheinländer jrheinlaender at gmx.de
Thu Dec 13 06:57:43 CET 2012


the current version of GiNaC requires a new hack to make it work with MSVC.

The problem is lst::info(). It is never called when GiNaC is compiled 
with MSVC, instead, basic::info() gets called which leads to exceptions 
being thrown by code like:

if (!eqns.info(info_flags::list)) {
	throw(std::invalid_argument("lsolve(): 1st argument must be a list or 
an equation"));

The only work-around I could find was to move the definition of 
lst::info() from the .cpp file to the .h file (please don't ask me why 
this should make a difference).

I know it's a stupid hack, but in any case, I attach the modified lst.h 
and lst.cpp in case you want to include it in a future release of GiNaC.

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