[GiNaC-list] Creating a number of FUNCTION_1P

Dale Lukas Peterson hazelnusse at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 21:55:00 CET 2013

For undefined functions a some parameter(s), if I don't declare them
using DECLARE_FUNCTION_1P, I have to manually apply the chain rule:

symbol x("x"), dxdt("dxdt");
ex l = 2*x + 3*x*x;
ex dldt = l.diff(x)*dxdt; // manual chain rule.

Obviously, the chain is nice (and achievable with DECLARE_FUNCTION_1P)
because then I can do:
symbol t("t");
ex dldt = l.diff(t);  // automatic chain rule

But it is annoying to have to declare all my undefined functions as
preprocessor macros, but I don't see a way around it.  Especially if I
don't know how many there will be at compile time.  Is there one?


On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Dale Lukas Peterson
<hazelnusse at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to declare N GiNaC 1 parameter functions
> (DECLARE_FUNCTION_1P), each of which represents a different function
> of the same single parameter (in my case, this parameter represents
> time).  My primary motivation for doing this is to be able to easily
> create a bunch of symbol-like objects that all depend on time so that
> I can trust that the chain rule will work properly when
> differentiating with respect to this single parameter.
> I think this has come up before, but I haven't seen a way to declare a
> vector or list of these functions without N explicit statements to
> DECLARE_FUNCTION_1P.  Is there a simple way to do this in GiNaC?
> Thanks,
> Luke

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