[GiNaC-list] removed function in 1.7.1 without soname bump
Till Hofmann
thofmann at fedoraproject.org
Tue Oct 4 09:47:31 CEST 2016
Hi all,
I'm a Fedora co-maintainer for ginac. We're currently working on
updating ginac to the new release 1.7.1. During this process, we
realized that there is a function that was removed in 1.7.1, but the
soname was not changed. Was this intentional? Usually, removing
functions requires an soname bump so other software doesn't accidentally
link against the wrong version.
The removed function is
'method virtual GiNaC::ex GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_1arg<const
GiNaC::ex&>::operator()(const GiNaC::ex&)'
I've attached the output of abidiff to this email. For reference, here
is the exact command to get the abidiff:
$ abidiff --d1 ginac-old/usr/lib/debug/ --d2 ginac-new/usr/lib/debug
ginac-old/usr/lib64/libginac.so.6.0.0 ginac-new/usr/lib64/libginac.so.6.0.1
Kind regards,
-------------- next part --------------
Functions changes summary: 1 Removed, 0 Changed, 4 Added functions
Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable
Function symbols changes summary: 3 Removed, 6 Added function symbols not referenced by debug info
Variable symbols changes summary: 3 Removed, 6 Added variable symbols not referenced by debug info
1 Removed function:
'method virtual GiNaC::ex GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_1arg<const GiNaC::ex&>::operator()(const GiNaC::ex&)' {_ZN5GiNaC28pointer_to_map_function_1argIRKNS_2exEEclES3_}
note that this removes an entry from the vtable of class GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_1arg<const GiNaC::ex&>
4 Added functions:
'function GiNaC::ex GiNaC::clifford_star_bar(const GiNaC::ex&, bool, unsigned int)' {_ZN5GiNaC17clifford_star_barERKNS_2exEbj}
'method virtual GiNaC::ex GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_2args<bool, unsigned int>::operator()(const GiNaC::ex&)' {_ZN5GiNaC29pointer_to_map_function_2argsIbjEclERKNS_2exE}
note that this adds a new entry to the vtable of class GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_2args<bool, unsigned int>
'method virtual GiNaC::ex GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_2args<const GiNaC::ex&, bool>::operator()(const GiNaC::ex&)' {_ZN5GiNaC29pointer_to_map_function_2argsIRKNS_2exEbEclES3_}
note that this adds a new entry to the vtable of class GiNaC::pointer_to_map_function_2args<const GiNaC::ex&, bool>
'function __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<GiNaC::ex*, std::vector<GiNaC::ex, std::allocator<GiNaC::ex> > > std::__find_if<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<GiNaC::ex*, std::vector<GiNaC::ex> >, __gnu_cxx::__ops::_Iter_equals_val<const GiNaC::ex> >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<GiNaC::ex*, std::vector<GiNaC::ex, std::allocator<GiNaC::ex> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<GiNaC::ex*, std::vector<GiNaC::ex, std::allocator<GiNaC::ex> > >, __gnu_cxx::__ops::_Iter_equals_val<const GiNaC::ex>, std::random_access_iterator_tag)' {_ZSt9__find_ifIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPN5GiNaC2exESt6vectorIS3_SaIS3_EEEENS0_5__ops16_Iter_equals_valIKS3_EEET_SD_SD_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag}
3 Removed function symbols not referenced by debug info:
_ZN5GiNaC28pointer_to_map_function_1argIRKNS_2exEED1Ev, aliases _ZN5GiNaC28pointer_to_map_function_1argIRKNS_2exEED2Ev
6 Added function symbols not referenced by debug info:
_ZN5GiNaC29pointer_to_map_function_2argsIRKNS_2exEbED1Ev, aliases _ZN5GiNaC29pointer_to_map_function_2argsIRKNS_2exEbED2Ev
_ZN5GiNaC29pointer_to_map_function_2argsIbjED1Ev, aliases _ZN5GiNaC29pointer_to_map_function_2argsIbjED2Ev
3 Removed variable symbols not referenced by debug info:
6 Added variable symbols not referenced by debug info:
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