[GiNaC-list] factor() hangs on a simple expression, randomly

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at in.terlu.de
Fri Dec 8 23:22:17 CET 2017

Hi Vitaly,

On 11/30/2017 05:16 PM, Vitaly Magerya wrote:
>     $ ginsh
>     ginsh - GiNaC Interactive Shell (GiNaC V1.7.2)
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>     > factor((2*x-l)^2*(-1+6*x-l)*(-1+3*x-l)*(-2+4*x-l)*(1+4*x-l)*(4*x-l)*(2+4*x-l));
> At this point ginsh either hangs (80% of cases), or gives the correct
> result (20% of cases).
> As you can see the expression is already factored, so a hang is pretty
> unexpected here. Note that if you'll drop two of the factors from that
> expression, GiNaC won't hang anymore.
I'm not an expert in factorization, but apparently multivariate Hensel
lifting keeps failing (in file factor.cpp).

You're right that this is unexpected. GiNaC first does a square-free
factorization and finds the terms (2*x-l)^2 and the expanded form of all
the rest, i.e. of
(-1+6*x-l)*(-1+3*x-l)*(-2+4*x-l)*(1+4*x-l)*(4*x-l)*(2+4*x-l). The
factorization of the rest then fails, depending on the order it finds
the symbols x and l.

Try the easier test case with the (2*x-l)^2 removed.

No idea why it doesn't factor the product term by term, first. I suppose
this is an easy and risk-free optimization! Can you try to send a patch?
I'ld be happy to review it and help, but have not the time to do it
myself, I'm afraid.

All my best,
Richard B. Kreckel

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