[GiNaC-list] [patch] Add solve_algo::markowitz for large sparse systems

Vitaly Magerya vmagerya at gmail.com
Tue May 29 20:51:16 CEST 2018

Hi, folks. I've been trying to apply GiNaC to solving systems of
sparse linear equations: it is currently too slow, and I have
an improvement.

The setup of the issue is this: I have a system of 2279 equations
in 749 variables, which you can find in 'sys749.txt' at [1].
When I give this system directly to lsolve(), like this:

    // compile with:
    // c++ -std=c++11 -o sys749 sys749.cpp -lginac -lcln -ldl

    #include <ginac/ginac.h>
    #include <ginac/parser.h>
    #include <fstream>

    using namespace GiNaC;
    using namespace std;

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
        symtab table;
        parser reader(table);
        ifstream i("sys749.txt");
        ex data = reader(i);
        lst eqns;
        for (auto &&e : data.op(0)) {
            if (!e.is_zero()) eqns.append(expand(e) == 0);
        cout << lsolve(eqns, data.op(1), solve_algo::gauss);

... after ~5 hours of time and 1.5GB of RAM, I conclude that
this will never terminate. In contrast, it takes ~2.5 minutes
for Maple to solve this system, so I know we can do better.

The main slowdown for GiNaC comes from the classical 'fill-in'
problem during Gaussian elimination. Consider a sparse matrix
like this:

    [* * * * *]
    [* * 0 0 0]
    [* 0 * 0 0]
    [* 0 0 * 0]
    [* 0 0 0 *]

When you apply naive Gaussian elimination to this matrix, on
the first step you will subtract the first row from the rest
of the matrix -- this will make all the zero entries non-zero
(this is the "fill-in" of zeros), thus making the matrix dense,
and killing all the performance because each subsequent row
elimination step will require N normal() calls. On the other
hand, if you where to permute the matrix like so:

    [* 0 0 0 *]
    [0 * 0 0 *]
    [0 0 * 0 *]
    [0 0 0 * *]
    [* * * * *]

... then naive Gaussian elimination would fully preserve the
sparsity structure, and at each step most of the operations
you'll need to perform would amount to subtracting zeros, and
could be optimized away (so, nothing to normal()ize).

This sort of permutation to reduce fill-in is an essential part
of solving sparse linear systems, and is the main reason for
Maple's performance, I think. In fact, if you'll just sort the
list of equations by the number of terms before passing that list
into lsolve(), this already allows GiNaC to solve sys749.txt,
in under an hour (don't remember the exact timing). We can do
better than this, though.

There's an overview of the current state of the art in this sort
of techniques at [2]. Out of all the tricks described there,
the most straightforward to me is the Markowitz ordering, which
is a heuristic that says: at each step of Gaussian elimination,
choose the pivot (i,j) that minimizes the amount of fill-in you'll
need to perform in this step, approximated as (r[i]-1)*(c[j]-1),
where r[i] is the number of non-zero entries in row i, and c[j]
is the number of non-zero entries in column j. This heuristic
is expensive to calculate, but it is well worth it for sys749.

The patch I'm attaching implements Markowitz-ordered Gaussian
elimination as a new solve_algo::markowitz.

An additional part of the slowness is the part of lsolve()
that constructs the coefficient matrix: it does so by calling
coeff() repeatedly for every variable -- this alone takes about
10 minutes for sys749. To optimize this part I first obtain the
full set of all symbols in an equation, and then call coeff()
only if the symbol in question belongs to that set. This changes
10 minutes into 10 seconds.

Still, I think there's more room for improvement here: it should
be possible to collect the whole coefficient row in one pass
over the equation, without calling coeff() multiple times. Since
it takes about 1.3 seconds to read the whole expression from
disk, it should take no more than that to determine the full
coefficient matrix, I think. If you know how to achieve that
though, I'd be interested in learning.

In summary, with the proposed optimizations GiNaC can solve
sys749 in 60-90 seconds (differs every time; at one point I
was getting a consistent 45 seconds, but I've probably changed
something since then), which is actually faster than Maple, at
least for this particular system.

I would appreciate some correctness testing on this new algorithm,
because Markowitz ordering requires full pivoting, and that is
trickier to get right than the partial pivoting which GiNaC has
had used until now, especially when 'vars' in matrix::solve()
is wider than n*1. I've modified the check_lsolve test to also
test this algorithm, but it doesn't look comprehensive. Style
changes or algorithmic suggestions are also welcome.

[1] http://tx97.net/~magv/sys749.txt
[2] http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/publications_files/survey_tech_report.pdf
-------------- next part --------------
From e5bdd8047bc5c02971db2ff0de280637af8d5f37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitaly Magerya <magv at tx97.net>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 18:07:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add solve_algo::markowitz for large sparse systems

 check/check_lsolve.cpp |  55 +++++++++++----------
 ginac/flags.h          |   8 ++-
 ginac/inifcns.cpp      |  26 +++++++++-
 ginac/matrix.cpp       | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 ginac/matrix.h         |   1 +
 5 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/check/check_lsolve.cpp b/check/check_lsolve.cpp
index 8c4f438b..8c659647 100644
--- a/check/check_lsolve.cpp
+++ b/check/check_lsolve.cpp
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ static unsigned check_inifcns_lsolve(unsigned n)
 		lst eqns;  // equation list
 		lst vars;  // variable list
-		ex sol;	// solution
 		// Create a random linear system...
 		for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) {
 			ex lhs = rand()%201-100;
@@ -131,32 +130,34 @@ static unsigned check_inifcns_lsolve(unsigned n)
-		// ...solve it...
-		sol = lsolve(eqns, vars);
-		// ...and check the solution:
-		if (sol.nops() == 0) {
-			// no solution was found
-			// is the coefficient matrix really, really, really degenerate?
-			matrix coeffmat(n,n);
-			for (unsigned ro=0; ro<n; ++ro)
-				for (unsigned co=0; co<n; ++co)
-					coeffmat.set(ro,co,eqns.op(co).rhs().coeff(a[co],1));
-			if (!coeffmat.determinant().is_zero()) {
-				++result;
-				clog << "solution of the system " << eqns << " for " << vars
-					 << " was not found" << endl;
-			}
-		} else {
-			// insert the solution into rhs of out equations
-			bool errorflag = false;
-			for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
-				if (eqns.op(i).rhs().subs(sol) != eqns.op(i).lhs())
-					errorflag = true;
-			if (errorflag) {
-				++result;
-				clog << "solution of the system " << eqns << " for " << vars
-				     << " erroneously returned " << sol << endl;
+		// ...solve it with each algorithm...
+		for (int algo = solve_algo::automatic; algo <= solve_algo::markowitz; algo++) {
+			ex sol = lsolve(eqns, vars, algo);
+			// ...and check the solution:
+			if (sol.nops() == 0) {
+				// no solution was found
+				// is the coefficient matrix really, really, really degenerate?
+				matrix coeffmat(n,n);
+				for (unsigned ro=0; ro<n; ++ro)
+					for (unsigned co=0; co<n; ++co)
+						coeffmat.set(ro,co,eqns.op(co).rhs().coeff(a[co],1));
+				if (!coeffmat.determinant().is_zero()) {
+					++result;
+					clog << "solution of the system " << eqns << " for " << vars
+						 << " was not found using algorithm " << algo << endl;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// insert the solution into rhs of out equations
+				bool errorflag = false;
+				for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
+					if (eqns.op(i).rhs().subs(sol) != eqns.op(i).lhs())
+						errorflag = true;
+				if (errorflag) {
+					++result;
+					clog << "solution of the system " << eqns << " for " << vars
+						 << " erroneously returned " << sol << " using algorithm "
+						 << algo << endl;
+				}
diff --git a/ginac/flags.h b/ginac/flags.h
index c97229af..cebc3fd4 100644
--- a/ginac/flags.h
+++ b/ginac/flags.h
@@ -182,7 +182,13 @@ public:
 		 *  linear systems.  In contrast to division-free elimination it only
 		 *  has a linear expression swell.  For two-dimensional systems, the
 		 *  two algorithms are equivalent, however. */
-		bareiss
+		bareiss,
+		/** Markowitz-ordered Gaussian elimination. Same as the usual
+		 *  Gaussian elimination, but with additional effort spent on
+		 *  selection pivots that minimize fill-in. Much faster than the
+		 *  methods above for large sparse matrices, marginally slower
+		 *  than Gaussian elimination otherwise. */
+		markowitz
diff --git a/ginac/inifcns.cpp b/ginac/inifcns.cpp
index 8b5fed41..db40dba6 100644
--- a/ginac/inifcns.cpp
+++ b/ginac/inifcns.cpp
@@ -1038,6 +1038,24 @@ REGISTER_FUNCTION(Order, eval_func(Order_eval).
 // Solve linear system
+static void insert_symbols(exset &es, const ex &e)
+	if (is_a<symbol>(e)) {
+		es.insert(e);
+	} else {
+		for (const ex &sube : e) {
+			insert_symbols(es, sube);
+		}
+	}
+static exset symbolset(const ex &e)
+	exset s;
+	insert_symbols(s, e);
+	return s;
 ex lsolve(const ex &eqns, const ex &symbols, unsigned options)
 	// solve a system of linear equations
@@ -1077,8 +1095,10 @@ ex lsolve(const ex &eqns, const ex &symbols, unsigned options)
 	for (size_t r=0; r<eqns.nops(); r++) {
 		const ex eq = eqns.op(r).op(0)-eqns.op(r).op(1); // lhs-rhs==0
+		const exset syms = symbolset(eq);
 		ex linpart = eq;
 		for (size_t c=0; c<symbols.nops(); c++) {
+			if (syms.count(symbols.op(c)) == 0) continue;
 			const ex co = eq.coeff(ex_to<symbol>(symbols.op(c)),1);
 			linpart -= co*symbols.op(c);
 			sys(r,c) = co;
@@ -1088,11 +1108,13 @@ ex lsolve(const ex &eqns, const ex &symbols, unsigned options)
 	// test if system is linear and fill vars matrix
+	const exset sys_syms = symbolset(sys);
+	const exset rhs_syms = symbolset(rhs);
 	for (size_t i=0; i<symbols.nops(); i++) {
 		vars(i,0) = symbols.op(i);
-		if (sys.has(symbols.op(i)))
+		if (sys_syms.count(symbols.op(i)) != 0)
 			throw(std::logic_error("lsolve: system is not linear"));
-		if (rhs.has(symbols.op(i)))
+		if (rhs_syms.count(symbols.op(i)) != 0)
 			throw(std::logic_error("lsolve: system is not linear"));
diff --git a/ginac/matrix.cpp b/ginac/matrix.cpp
index 5b982251..a9ede235 100644
--- a/ginac/matrix.cpp
+++ b/ginac/matrix.cpp
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ matrix matrix::solve(const matrix & vars,
 	const unsigned p = rhs.cols();
 	// syntax checks    
-	if ((rhs.rows() != m) || (vars.rows() != n) || (vars.col != p))
+	if ((rhs.rows() != m) || (vars.rows() != n) || (vars.cols() != p))
 		throw (std::logic_error("matrix::solve(): incompatible matrices"));
 	for (unsigned ro=0; ro<n; ++ro)
 		for (unsigned co=0; co<p; ++co)
@@ -1042,6 +1042,10 @@ matrix matrix::solve(const matrix & vars,
 	// Eliminate the augmented matrix:
+	std::vector<unsigned> colid(aug.cols());
+	for (unsigned c = 0; c < aug.cols(); c++) {
+		colid[c] = c;
+	}
 	switch(algo) {
 		case solve_algo::gauss:
@@ -1050,8 +1054,13 @@ matrix matrix::solve(const matrix & vars,
 		case solve_algo::bareiss:
-		default:
+			break;
+		case solve_algo::markowitz:
+			colid = aug.markowitz_elimination(n);
+			break;
+		default:
+			throw std::invalid_argument("matrix::solve(): 'algo' is not one of the solve_algo enum");
 	// assemble the solution matrix:
@@ -1071,18 +1080,18 @@ matrix matrix::solve(const matrix & vars,
 				// assign solutions for vars between fnz+1 and
 				// last_assigned_sol-1: free parameters
 				for (unsigned c=fnz; c<last_assigned_sol-1; ++c)
-					sol(c,co) = vars.m[c*p+co];
+					sol(colid[c],co) = vars.m[colid[c]*p+co];
 				ex e = aug.m[r*(n+p)+n+co];
 				for (unsigned c=fnz; c<n; ++c)
-					e -= aug.m[r*(n+p)+c]*sol.m[c*p+co];
-				sol(fnz-1,co) = (e/(aug.m[r*(n+p)+(fnz-1)])).normal();
+					e -= aug.m[r*(n+p)+c]*sol.m[colid[c]*p+co];
+				sol(colid[fnz-1],co) = (e/(aug.m[r*(n+p)+fnz-1])).normal();
 				last_assigned_sol = fnz;
 		// assign solutions for vars between 1 and
 		// last_assigned_sol-1: free parameters
 		for (unsigned ro=0; ro<last_assigned_sol-1; ++ro)
-			sol(ro,co) = vars(ro,co);
+			sol(colid[ro],co) = vars(colid[ro],co);
 	return sol;
@@ -1293,6 +1302,116 @@ int matrix::gauss_elimination(const bool det)
 	return sign;
+/* Perform Markowitz-ordered Gaussian elimination (with full
+ * pivoting) on a matrix, constraining the choice of pivots to
+ * the first n columns (this simplifies handling of augmented
+ * matrices). Return the column id vector v, such that v[column]
+ * is the original number of the column before shuffling (v[i]==i
+ * for i >= n). */
+matrix::markowitz_elimination(unsigned n)
+	GINAC_ASSERT(n <= col);
+	std::vector<int> rowcnt(row, 0);
+	std::vector<int> colcnt(col, 0);
+	// Normalize everything before start. We'll keep all the
+	// cells normalized throughout the algorithm to properly
+	// handle unnormal zeros.
+	for (unsigned r = 0; r < row; r++) {
+		for (unsigned c = 0; c < col; c++) {
+			if (!m[r*col + c].is_zero()) {
+				m[r*col + c] = m[r*col + c].normal();
+				rowcnt[r]++;
+				colcnt[c]++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	std::vector<unsigned> colid(col);
+	for (unsigned c = 0; c < col; c++) {
+		colid[c] = c;
+	}
+	exvector ab(row);
+	for (unsigned k = 0; (k < col) && (k < row - 1); k++) {
+		// Find the pivot that minimizes (rowcnt[r]-1)*(colcnt[c]-1).
+		unsigned pivot_r = row + 1;
+		unsigned pivot_c = col + 1;
+		int pivot_m = row*col;
+		for (unsigned r = k; r < row; r++) {
+			for (unsigned c = k; c < n; c++) {
+				const ex &mrc = m[r*col + c];
+				if (mrc.is_zero()) continue;
+				GINAC_ASSERT(rowcnt[r] > 0);
+				GINAC_ASSERT(colcnt[c] > 0);
+				int measure = (rowcnt[r] - 1)*(colcnt[c] - 1);
+				if (measure < pivot_m) {
+					pivot_m = measure;
+					pivot_r = r;
+					pivot_c = c;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (pivot_m == row*col) {
+			// The rest of the matrix is zero.
+			break;
+		}
+		GINAC_ASSERT(k <= pivot_r && pivot_r < row);
+		GINAC_ASSERT(k <= pivot_c && pivot_c < col);
+		// Swap the pivot into (k, k).
+		if (pivot_c != k) {
+			for (unsigned r = 0; r < row; r++) {
+				m[r*col + pivot_c].swap(m[r*col + k]);
+			}
+			std::swap(colid[pivot_c], colid[k]);
+			std::swap(colcnt[pivot_c], colcnt[k]);
+		}
+		if (pivot_r != k) {
+			for (unsigned c = k; c < col; c++) {
+				m[pivot_r*col + c].swap(m[k*col + c]);
+			}
+			std::swap(rowcnt[pivot_r], rowcnt[k]);
+		}
+		// No normalization before is_zero() here, because
+		// we maintain the matrix normalized throughout the
+		// algorithm.
+		ex a = m[k*col + k];
+		GINAC_ASSERT(!a.is_zero());
+		// Subtract the pivot row KJI-style (so: loop by pivot, then
+		// column, then row) to maximally exploit pivot row zeros (at
+		// the expense of the pivot column zeros). The speedup compared
+		// to the usual KIJ order is not really significant though...
+		for (unsigned r = k + 1; r < row; r++) {
+			const ex &b = m[r*col + k];
+			if (!b.is_zero()) {
+				ab[r] = b/a;
+				rowcnt[r]--;
+			}
+		}
+		colcnt[k] = rowcnt[k] = 0;
+		for (unsigned c = k + 1; c < col; c++) {
+			const ex &mr0c = m[k*col + c];
+			if (mr0c.is_zero()) continue;
+			colcnt[c]--;
+			for (unsigned r = k + 1; r < row; r++) {
+				if (ab[r].is_zero()) continue;
+				bool waszero = m[r*col + c].is_zero();
+				m[r*col + c] = (m[r*col + c] - ab[r]*mr0c).normal();
+				bool iszero = m[r*col + c].is_zero();
+				if (waszero && !iszero) {
+					rowcnt[r]++;
+					colcnt[c]++;
+				}
+				if (!waszero && iszero) {
+					rowcnt[r]--;
+					colcnt[c]--;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for (unsigned r = k + 1; r < row; r++) {
+			ab[r] = m[r*col + k] = _ex0;
+		}
+	}
+	return colid;
 /** Perform the steps of division free elimination to bring the m x n matrix
  *  into an upper echelon form.
diff --git a/ginac/matrix.h b/ginac/matrix.h
index 1a95d0aa..cf7dd039 100644
--- a/ginac/matrix.h
+++ b/ginac/matrix.h
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ protected:
 	int gauss_elimination(const bool det = false);
 	int division_free_elimination(const bool det = false);
 	int fraction_free_elimination(const bool det = false);
+	std::vector<unsigned> markowitz_elimination(unsigned n);
 	int pivot(unsigned ro, unsigned co, bool symbolic = true);
 	void print_elements(const print_context & c, const char *row_start, const char *row_end, const char *row_sep, const char *col_sep) const;

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