[GiNaC-list] Some problem Installing GiNaC on Linux

이재욱 ljw951224 at ajou.ac.kr
Fri Jan 8 08:41:30 CET 2021

Hello GiNac-list,

I have some problems installing the GiNaC on Linux. May I ask you for

I followed the tutorial PDF to install, and the linux computer showed a
message that "See check/test-suite.log Please report to ginac-list at ginac.de

So, I sent an email to get some advice.

I have the below prerequisite software version.
$ g++ --version : 4.8.5
$ git --version :
$ autoconf --version : 2.69
$ libtool --version : 2.4.6
$ automake --version : 1.13.4

These files are in the '/usr/bin/' and I will install the GiNaC in the
(I think these points make some problems.)

First, I install the CLN before installing the GiNaC.
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/{USERNAME}/Package
$ make
$ make check (--> all Pass)
$ make install

And then, I try to install the GiNaC
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/{USERNAME}/Package/lib/pkgconfig
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/{USERNAME}/Package
$ make
$ make check (--> there are 7 fail, and 51 PASS; it shows me the above
Related log file(test-suite.log) is attached, I do not know what is wrong.

Please let me help to install GiNaC well
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