[GiNaC-list] Floating to Rational
Vladimir V. Kisil
V.Kisil at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Jul 19 11:42:37 CEST 2023
>>>>> On Tue, 18 Jul 2023 18:55:17 -1000, Charles White <whitece6 at hawaii.edu> said:
CW> Hi GiNaC! Is there a way to convert floating point numbers to
CW> rational numbers? And, expressions with floating point numbers
CW> to expressions with rational numbers? wxmaxima has the function
CW> "rationalize"; I did notice there is a rationalize
CW> <https://www.ginac.de/CLN/cln.html#Conversion-to-rational-numbers>
CW> function in the CLN library; is that what I should work with?
Yes, see the code below as an example.
Probably, we can add something like that to the GiNaC itself if the
maintainers see it meaningful.
I am also wondering why do we not have a trivial constructor:
numeric::numeric(cln::cl_N v) { value = v; }
in the GiNaC?
Best wishes,
Vladimir V. Kisil http://www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~kisilv/
Book: Geometry of Mobius Maps https://doi.org/10.1142/p835
Soft: Geometry of cycles http://moebinv.sourceforge.net/
Jupyter notebooks: https://github.com/vvkisil?tab=repositories
#include <iostream>
#include <ginac/ginac.h>
#include <cln/cln.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace GiNaC;
struct map_rationalize_ex : public map_function {
ex operator()(const ex &e)
if (is_a<numeric>(e)) {
cln::cl_N e_N = ex_to<numeric>(e).to_cl_N();
cln::cl_RA e_R = rationalize(cln::realpart(e_N));
cln::cl_RA e_I = rationalize(cln::imagpart(e_N));
return numeric(cln::cl_I_to_long(numerator(e_R)), cln::cl_I_to_long(denominator(e_R)))
+ I * numeric(cln::cl_I_to_long(numerator(e_I)), cln::cl_I_to_long(denominator(e_I)));
} else if (e.nops() > 0)
return e.map(*this);
return e;
int main()
symbol x("x"), y("y");
ex e = 0.5*sin((.6+I*.3)*x +exp(.25*y+.3333+I*numeric(1,7)))+pow(.4*x, .6);
map_rationalize_ex rationalize_ex;
cout << e << endl << "is rationalised to" << endl << rationalize_ex(e) << endl;
return 0;
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