[GiNaC-list] Polynomial Factoring

Charles White whitece6 at hawaii.edu
Fri May 5 07:09:42 CEST 2023

Hi GiNaC!
I love the library! Keep up the good work!

Currently I am trying to find exact eigenvalues. My solution so far is to
factor the characteristic equation then I can try to find roots of the
factored polynomials. But, I need a list of expressions that store the
factored polynomials.

For example in the ginsh I have:
> rat = pow(x,6)+1;
> factor(rat);
Then I need a list with the expressions (1+x^4-x^2) and (1+x^2); from there
I can calculate the roots exactly.

Is this possible? Is there a better way to find exact eigenvalues?

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