[GiNaC-list] bug in ex::ex(const std::string&, const ex&)

ovf ovf at mm.st
Thu Apr 4 11:10:28 CEST 2024

note that -falign-functions=16 is the default for -O2 or above in gcc on x86_64-linux:

$ gcc -O2 --help=optimizers -Q|grep align-functions=
  -falign-functions=          		16

the autotools build system defaults to -O2.

cmake defaults to likely nothing unless you set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (-O3) or CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo (-O2).

if ginac really expects aligned functions, it should ensure that's the case (adding -falign-functions=16, setting an equivalent pragma or attribute), or explicitly disallow unoptimised builds.

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