[GiNaC-list] I want to Add Integrating by Parts in GiNaC Symbolic Integration

Vladimir V. Kisil V.Kisil at leeds.ac.uk
Mon Jul 29 16:46:26 CEST 2024

>>>>> On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 19:51:56 +0700, DS Glanzsche <dsglanzsche at gmail.com> said:

    DS> I just learned about GiNaC, and I want to add integration by
    DS> parts for a bit of complex integration like integral of cos nx *
    DS> x, for definite and indefinite integral. I think polynomial
    DS> integration in GiNaC works amazing, but if we can add all other
    DS> symbolic integration it will be better.

    For integration by parts, the key step is to factorise f=u ·v into a
  part for integration and a part for differentiation. Do you know a
  good algorithm to make the decision? (I would be interested to see it
  as a seasonal lecturer of integral calculus as well)

  We definitely can implement the Ostrogradsky's procedure for
  integration of rational functions because it is algorithmic and we
  already have the necessary polynomial arithmetic for it.  

    DS> Should I look and modify the source code integral.cpp? I never
    DS> really modified open source code before in my life.

    We all had this first moment in our life, hopefully you will enjoy
  the process!
Vladimir V. Kisil                  http://v-v-kisil.scienceontheweb.net
  Book:      Geometry of Mobius Maps       https://doi.org/10.1142/p835
  Soft:      Geometry of cycles         http://moebinv.sourceforge.net/
  Jupyter notebooks:        https://github.com/vvkisil?tab=repositories

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