[GiNaC-list] Unwanted digits when performing arithmetic computations

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at in.terlu.de
Sun Oct 27 00:11:07 CEST 2024


On 10/26/24 5:38 PM, Dr. Mithun Bairagi wrote:
> Dear all ginac lovers, I have got some wrong results when performing 
> some simple computations using ginac.

These results are not "wrong", see below.

> I have compiled and run the following c++ program using ginac-1.8.7, 
> cln-1.3.7  (mingw64 compiler,  gcc version 14.2.0, windows 10 os),
> #include <ginac/ginac.h>
> using namespace std;
> using namespace GiNaC;
> int main()
> {
>      cout<<(numeric(0.1)+numeric(7))<<endl;
>      cout<<(numeric("0.01")*numeric("9"))<<endl;
>      cout<<(numeric("0.01")*numeric("99"))<<endl;
> }
> the above program shows the following result:
> 7.1000000000000000056
> 0.089999999999999999996
> 0.98999999999999999995
> I have got some unwanted digits which look very ugly. I think the result 
> should be
> 7.1
> 0.09
> 0.99

This result is to be expected. Remember that CLN and GiNaC (and many 
other systems) represent floating-point numbers in base 2, not in base 10.

In such systems, each floating-point number is an exact rational number 
where the denominator happens to be a power of two.

An exact decimal fraction (such as 7.1 = 71/10 in decimal notation) can 
be converted to an exact binary fraction if and only if the numerator is 
a power of 2.

This is not the case for 71/10. On the other hand, it is the case for 
e.g 75/10 = 15/2, so 7.5 can be converted from string "7.5" to an 
internal representation exactly.

As an alternative, maybe you can use rational numbers such as 71/10 
throughout your computations? Apart from that, there is no solution to 
what you perceive as a "problem".

Mankind made a big mistake settling for base 10 millennia ago.


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