GiNaC 1.8.8
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
matrix.h File Reference

Interface to symbolic matrices. More...

#include "basic.h"
#include "ex.h"
#include "archive.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  GiNaC::matrix
 Symbolic matrices. More...


namespace  GiNaC


size_t GiNaC::nops (const matrix &m)
ex GiNaC::expand (const matrix &m, unsigned options=0)
ex GiNaC::evalf (const matrix &m)
unsigned GiNaC::rows (const matrix &m)
unsigned GiNaC::cols (const matrix &m)
matrix GiNaC::transpose (const matrix &m)
ex GiNaC::determinant (const matrix &m, unsigned options=determinant_algo::automatic)
ex GiNaC::trace (const matrix &m)
ex GiNaC::charpoly (const matrix &m, const ex &lambda)
matrix GiNaC::inverse (const matrix &m)
matrix GiNaC::inverse (const matrix &m, unsigned algo)
unsigned GiNaC::rank (const matrix &m)
unsigned GiNaC::rank (const matrix &m, unsigned solve_algo)
ex GiNaC::lst_to_matrix (const lst &l)
 Convert list of lists to matrix.
ex GiNaC::diag_matrix (const lst &l)
 Convert list of diagonal elements to matrix.
ex GiNaC::diag_matrix (std::initializer_list< ex > l)
ex GiNaC::unit_matrix (unsigned r, unsigned c)
 Create an r times c unit matrix.
ex GiNaC::unit_matrix (unsigned x)
 Create a x times x unit matrix.
ex GiNaC::symbolic_matrix (unsigned r, unsigned c, const std::string &base_name, const std::string &tex_base_name)
 Create an r times c matrix of newly generated symbols consisting of the given base name plus the numeric row/column position of each element.
ex GiNaC::reduced_matrix (const matrix &m, unsigned r, unsigned c)
 Return the reduced matrix that is formed by deleting the rth row and cth column of matrix m.
ex GiNaC::sub_matrix (const matrix &m, unsigned r, unsigned nr, unsigned c, unsigned nc)
 Return the nr times nc submatrix starting at position r, c of matrix m.
ex GiNaC::symbolic_matrix (unsigned r, unsigned c, const std::string &base_name)
 Create an r times c matrix of newly generated symbols consisting of the given base name plus the numeric row/column position of each element.

Detailed Description

Interface to symbolic matrices.

Definition in file matrix.h.

This page is part of the GiNaC developer's reference. It was generated automatically by doxygen. For an introduction, see the tutorial.