]> www.ginac.de Git - ginac.git/history - NEWS
- beautyfied names :-)
[ginac.git] / NEWS
2000-02-14 Richard Kreckel- preparations for release 0.5.1
2000-02-12 Richard Kreckel- Chronological order, please.
2000-02-07 Richard Kreckel- inserted correct date.
2000-02-02 Richard Kreckel- diff() is now only defined on classes ex and basic...
2000-01-30 Richard Kreckel- Renamed flag NO_GINAC_NAMESPACE to NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC...
2000-01-25 Christian Bauer- mentioned archiving
1999-12-13 Richard Kreckel- Brought to the 0.4.1-level.
1999-11-26 Christian Bauer- added some more information to NEWS and README
1999-11-17 Christian Bauer- put everything in "GiNaC" namespace
1999-11-09 Christian Bauer- switched to automake build environment