]> www.ginac.de Git - ginac.git/history - doc/tutorial/Makefile.am
- Adjusted build-environment for "Cint without crutches" (tm).
[ginac.git] / doc / tutorial / Makefile.am
2000-01-27 Christian Bauer- building GiNaC in a separate directory now works
2000-01-21 Richard Kreckel- Use newer fig2dev which supports eps (old ones are...
1999-12-01 Christian Bauer- added 'ginac-config' script and 'ginac.m4' macros...
1999-11-29 Richard Kreckel- moved the subsections that were marked as 'digression...
1999-11-26 Christian Bauer- .txt files were missing from distribution
1999-11-25 Christian Bauer- .png files were missing from install target
1999-11-25 Christian Bauer- tutorial now built with texinfo
1999-11-25 Christian Bauer- automake 1.4 was complaining about EXTRA_DATA in...
1999-11-25 Christian Bauer- automake 1.4 was complaining about AM_PROG_INSTALL...
1999-11-24 Richard Kreckel- Finished tutorial :-)
1999-11-15 Christian Bauer- "make clean" works better
1999-11-12 Christian Bauer- docs now under automake control