No subject

Mon Sep 20 21:34:08 CEST 2010

Is my guess correct? (In general it's a good idea to specify
the compiler version, i.e. the output of g++ --version).

> The build seemed to be going well until linking, when I got the following error:
> ../src/.libs/libcln.a(cl_F_decode.o)$_ZN3cln12decode_floatERKNS_5cl_LFE[cln::decode_float(cln::cl_LF const&)]+0x0): multiple definition of `cln::decode_float(cln::cl_LF const&)'
> ../src/.libs/libcln.a(cl_LF_decode.o):d:\School\Grad\Thesis\Prototype09\cln-1.3.1\src/float/lfloat/misc/ first defined here
> From looking at the following files, there indeed seems to be
> a multiple definition?

Not exactly, there are two overloaded functions which differ only
in the return type, that is

const decoded_lfloat decode_float (const cl_LF& x)

(in src/float/lfloat/misc/, and

inline const decoded_float decode_float (const cl_LF& x)

(in src/float/misc/

This violates the Standard (specifically, [over.load], paragraph 2,
explicitly forbids this), and is a bug. I'm afraid fixing it will
take a while (and will certainly break binary and source compatibility).
Meanwhile you can try the following work-arounds:

1. Compile CLN with optimization turned on:

make clean
CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -Wall' CFLAGS='-O2 -g -Wall' ./configure [more options here]
make check

This may force GCC to not emit out-of-line version of
inline const decode_float decode_float(const cl_LF&)

2. Use GCC 3.4 (to compile CLN itself, you can compile your programs
   with newer GCCs)

Best regards,

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