[GiNaC-devel] more patch

Jens Vollinga vollinga at physik.uni-wuppertal.de
Tue Nov 8 17:15:17 CET 2005

Hi Chris,

Chris Dams wrote:
> Actually, I am not really entirely certain if this subs_option is the
> right way to go. On the one hand, the fact that constructing powers of

 > I would appreciate some input on this issue.

is the new subs_option only to conserve compability with unknown user 
programs (sorry, I didn't dig into the patch code yet) ?

> expressions with summed indices automatically yields renamed results,
> suggest that we really want to consider index renaming as something that
> happens automatically without the user having to know anything about it.  


> On the other hand, this may break existing code that wants to rename dummy
> indices. The problem is probably quite rare, though. One needs something

I don't know of any existing code that would break.
Anyhow, I would vote for breaking compatability in this case.


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