[GiNaC-list] Equal indexed expressions
Sheplyakov Alexei
varg at theor.jinr.ru
Tue Apr 26 09:02:34 CEST 2005
On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 07:04:29PM +0100, Vladimir Kisil wrote:
> I added to your code just two lines at the end:
> #include <iostream>
> #include <ginac/ginac.h>
> using namespace std;
> using namespace GiNaC;
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
> varidx i(symbol("i"), 2);
> varidx j(symbol("j"), 2);
> matrix mink2_matr(2, 2, lst(-1, 0, 0, 1));
> matrix a(1, 2, lst(symbol("a0"), symbol("a1")));
> ex test1 = indexed(mink2_matr, i, i)*indexed(a, i);
> ex test2 = indexed(mink2_matr, j.toggle_variance(), i)*indexed(a, j);
> cout << test1 << " = " << test1.simplify_indexed() << endl;
> cout << test2 << " = " << test2.simplify_indexed() << endl;
> cout << "test1 substituted = " << test1.simplify_indexed().subs(i == varidx(0, 2)) << endl;
> cout << "test2 substituted = " << test2.simplify_indexed().subs(i == varidx(0, 2)) << endl;
> return 0;
> }
> and the output now becomes:
> [[a0,a1]]~i*[[-1,0],[0,1]]~i~i = [[a0,a1]]~i*[[-1,0],[0,1]]~i~i
> [[a0,a1]]~j*[[-1,0],[0,1]].j~i = [[-a0,a1]]~i
> test1 substituted = -a0
> test2 substituted = -a0
> i.e., the initial difference between objects disappeared after the
> substitution was made. Should it be classified as a bug?
After substitution expression is not an indexed object any more,
you get just particular element of a matrix (see ginac/matrix.cpp::eval_indexed)
I think this is intended (but rather confusing) behaviour. Most
indexed objects in GiNaC are tensors, while some are arrays
(like indexed matrices). Expression
indexed(m, i, j)
means _different_ things for tensors and arrays. Unfortunately,
mixing tensors and arrays (like some_matrix~i*some_vector.i) does NOT
raise an exception (or compile-time error), thus, it is possible
to write a lot of meaningless expressions :(
> I would prefer if not all objects with indexes in GiNaC will
> be necessarily a tensors.
I would prefer if tensors and arrays would be completely different
(have different types), so both tensor and array expressions are
possible [and type-safe], but meaningless mixtures of both are not.
> I had already a code which expand dummy-index summations in order
> to see "equality" (in non-tensor sense) similar to above, but I wish
> to check, that this cannot be already done by some standard tools.
You could use indexed matrices or write your own tensor (like tensdelta,
tensepsilon and friends, see ginac/tensor.{cpp,h}).
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