[GiNaC-list] GiNaC on the web

Vladimir V. Kisil V.Kisil at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Nov 3 20:59:18 CET 2021

	Dear Dani,

	It seems to in an interesting work. GiNaC-on-Web may be 
  accessible on some common platform, which would be difficult or
  impossible support otherwise. I think it can be useful!

  Best wishes to you and your project,
Vladimir V. Kisil                 http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~kisilv/
  Book:      Geometry of Mobius Maps       https://doi.org/10.1142/p835
  Soft:      Geometry of cycles         http://moebinv.sourceforge.net/
  Jupyter notebooks:       https://github.com/vvkisil/MoebInv-notebooks
>>>>> On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 21:57:21 +0200, Dani Biró <danipro93 at gmail.com> said:

    DB> Hey GiNaC people!

    DB> First of all, thank you for this great library!

    DB> I'm working on a web-based interface for GiNaC as a hobby
    DB> project and I wanted to share it with you.

    DB> You can try a demo frontend here:
    DB> https://daninet.github.io/ginac-wasm/ Source code:
    DB> https://github.com/Daninet/ginac-wasm

    DB> There is no operator overloading in JavaScript, so I had to
    DB> implement functions like add(), mul() for the different
    DB> operations. The GiNaC commands are batched for faster processing
    DB> because WASM <=> JavaScript calls are too expensive.  The demo
    DB> frontend includes a PEG-based parser written in JavaScript, but
    DB> the embedded parser is also exposed through the parse()
    DB> function.

    DB> At this moment, the JavaScript/TypeScript API looks like this:
    DB> const GiNaC = await initGiNaC('./dist/ginac.wasm'); const g =
    DB> getFactory(); GiNaC(g.mul(g.numeric('2'), g.pow(g.symbol('x'),
    DB> g.numeric('2')))); GiNaC(g.series(g.atan(g.symbol('x')),
    DB> g.symbol('x'), g.numeric('5')));

    DB> On my computer, the native ginsh is about 10x faster in
    DB> estimating Pi with Machin’s formula compared to my WebAssembly
    DB> port. That's because of the expensive C++ exception mocks
    DB> generated by Emscripten, which compensate for the lack of native
    DB> browser support for exceptions in WebAssembly. I estimate that
    DB> the performance gap can be brought down to about 1/2 of native
    DB> performance once the native exception instructions are getting
    DB> wildly available in browsers.

    DB> I plan to publish it on NPM (the JavaScript package library)
    DB> when I manage to stabilize the API and implement the remaining
    DB> features.

    DB> What do you think? Do you have any suggestions or ideas?

    DB> Best regards, Dani Biró

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