[GiNaC-list] Substitution and re-evaluation

Gregor Kälin kaelingre at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 09:47:17 CET 2021


I'm extending GiNaC by some new classes and ran into a problem with subs 
and eval. My class, representing an integral, inherits from basic and is 
essentially a container class containing several ex's itself. The subs 
method, inherited from basic, works as expected for the substitution 
step, but does not re-evaluate the expression (i.e. the eval function of 
my class is not called after the substitution happened). The tutorial 
states "All GiNaC methods that transform expressions, like subs() or 
normal(), automatically re-evaluate their results." and, hence, I would 
expect that the default subs method of the basic class calls eval 
somewhere in the process.
Is this a bug in basic::subs or am I supposed to take care of a 
re-evaluation of my custom classes myself (i.e. essentially overriding 
subs and calling eval explicitly in the process)?
Looking into the source code (I'm on commit 9197695fc, ginac version 
1.8.1-1) I'd expect a call to eval on line 628 of basic.cpp after all 
operands have been substituted, and before subs_one_level is called.



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