bool | replace_contr_index (exvector::iterator self, exvector::iterator other) const |
| Replace dummy index in contracted-with object by the contracting object's second index (used internally for delta and metric tensor contractions.
virtual | ~basic () |
| basic destructor, virtual because class ex will delete objects of derived classes via a basic*.
| basic (const basic &other) |
const basic & | operator= (const basic &other) |
| basic assignment operator: the other object might be of a derived class.
virtual basic * | duplicate () const |
| Create a clone of this object on the heap.
virtual ex | eval () const |
| Perform automatic non-interruptive term rewriting rules.
virtual ex | evalf () const |
| Evaluate object numerically.
virtual ex | evalm () const |
| Evaluate sums, products and integer powers of matrices.
virtual ex | eval_integ () const |
| Evaluate integrals, if result is known.
virtual ex | eval_indexed (const basic &i) const |
| Perform automatic symbolic evaluations on indexed expression that contains this object as the base expression.
virtual void | print (const print_context &c, unsigned level=0) const |
| Output to stream.
virtual void | dbgprint () const |
| Little wrapper around print to be called within a debugger.
virtual void | dbgprinttree () const |
| Little wrapper around printtree to be called within a debugger.
virtual unsigned | precedence () const |
| Return relative operator precedence (for parenthezing output).
virtual bool | info (unsigned inf) const |
| Information about the object.
virtual size_t | nops () const |
| Number of operands/members.
virtual ex | op (size_t i) const |
| Return operand/member at position i.
virtual ex | operator[] (const ex &index) const |
virtual ex | operator[] (size_t i) const |
virtual ex & | let_op (size_t i) |
| Return modifiable operand/member at position i.
virtual ex & | operator[] (const ex &index) |
virtual ex & | operator[] (size_t i) |
virtual bool | has (const ex &other, unsigned options=0) const |
| Test for occurrence of a pattern.
virtual bool | match (const ex &pattern, exmap &repls) const |
| Check whether the expression matches a given pattern.
virtual ex | subs (const exmap &m, unsigned options=0) const |
| Substitute a set of objects by arbitrary expressions.
virtual ex | map (map_function &f) const |
| Construct new expression by applying the specified function to all sub-expressions (one level only, not recursively).
virtual void | accept (GiNaC::visitor &v) const |
virtual bool | is_polynomial (const ex &var) const |
| Check whether this is a polynomial in the given variables.
virtual int | degree (const ex &s) const |
| Return degree of highest power in object s.
virtual int | ldegree (const ex &s) const |
| Return degree of lowest power in object s.
virtual ex | coeff (const ex &s, int n=1) const |
| Return coefficient of degree n in object s.
virtual ex | expand (unsigned options=0) const |
| Expand expression, i.e.
virtual ex | collect (const ex &s, bool distributed=false) const |
| Sort expanded expression in terms of powers of some object(s).
virtual ex | series (const relational &r, int order, unsigned options=0) const |
| Default implementation of ex::series().
virtual ex | normal (exmap &repl, exmap &rev_lookup, lst &modifier) const |
| Default implementation of ex::normal().
virtual ex | to_rational (exmap &repl) const |
| Default implementation of ex::to_rational().
virtual ex | to_polynomial (exmap &repl) const |
virtual numeric | integer_content () const |
virtual ex | smod (const numeric &xi) const |
| Apply symmetric modular homomorphism to an expanded multivariate polynomial.
virtual numeric | max_coefficient () const |
| Implementation ex::max_coefficient().
virtual exvector | get_free_indices () const |
| Return a vector containing the free indices of an expression.
virtual ex | add_indexed (const ex &self, const ex &other) const |
| Add two indexed expressions.
virtual ex | scalar_mul_indexed (const ex &self, const numeric &other) const |
| Multiply an indexed expression with a scalar.
virtual bool | contract_with (exvector::iterator self, exvector::iterator other, exvector &v) const |
| Try to contract two indexed expressions that appear in the same product.
virtual return_type_t | return_type_tinfo () const |
virtual ex | conjugate () const |
virtual ex | real_part () const |
virtual ex | imag_part () const |
template<class T > |
void | print_dispatch (const print_context &c, unsigned level) const |
| Like print(), but dispatch to the specified class.
void | print_dispatch (const registered_class_info &ri, const print_context &c, unsigned level) const |
| Like print(), but dispatch to the specified class.
virtual void | archive (archive_node &n) const |
| Save (serialize) the object into archive node.
virtual void | read_archive (const archive_node &n, lst &syms) |
| Load (deserialize) the object from an archive node.
ex | subs_one_level (const exmap &m, unsigned options) const |
| Helper function for subs().
ex | diff (const symbol &s, unsigned nth=1) const |
| Default interface of nth derivative ex::diff(s, n).
int | compare (const basic &other) const |
| Compare objects syntactically to establish canonical ordering.
bool | is_equal (const basic &other) const |
| Test for syntactic equality.
const basic & | hold () const |
| Stop further evaluation.
unsigned | gethash () const |
const basic & | setflag (unsigned f) const |
| Set some status_flags.
const basic & | clearflag (unsigned f) const |
| Clear some status_flags.
| refcounted () noexcept |
unsigned int | add_reference () noexcept |
unsigned int | remove_reference () noexcept |
unsigned int | get_refcount () const noexcept |
void | set_refcount (unsigned int r) noexcept |
unsigned | flags |
| of type status_flags
unsigned | hashvalue |
| hash value
This class represents the Clifford algebra unity element.
Definition at line 91 of file clifford.h.