Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- same_metric() : GiNaC::clifford
- scalar_mul_indexed() : GiNaC::basic, GiNaC::matrix, GiNaC::structure< T, ComparisonPolicy >
- series() : GiNaC::add, GiNaC::basic, GiNaC::Eisenstein_h_kernel, GiNaC::Eisenstein_kernel, GiNaC::ex, GiNaC::fderivative, GiNaC::function, GiNaC::integral, GiNaC::integration_kernel, GiNaC::modular_form_kernel, GiNaC::mul, GiNaC::power, GiNaC::pseries, GiNaC::structure< T, ComparisonPolicy >, GiNaC::symbol
- series_coeff() : GiNaC::integration_kernel
- series_coeff_impl() : GiNaC::basic_log_kernel, GiNaC::Ebar_kernel, GiNaC::ELi_kernel, GiNaC::integration_kernel, GiNaC::Kronecker_dtau_kernel, GiNaC::Kronecker_dz_kernel, GiNaC::multiple_polylog_kernel
- series_func() : GiNaC::function_options
- set() : GiNaC::matrix
- set_cache_step() : GiNaC::integration_kernel
- set_name() : GiNaC::function_options, GiNaC::symbol
- set_print_func() : GiNaC::function_options, GiNaC::registered_class_options
- set_refcount() : GiNaC::refcounted
- set_return_type() : GiNaC::function_options
- set_symmetry() : GiNaC::function_options
- set_TeX_name() : GiNaC::symbol
- set_type() : GiNaC::symmetry
- setflag() : GiNaC::basic
- share() : GiNaC::ex
- shift_exponents() : GiNaC::pseries
- show_statistics() : GiNaC::remember_table
- simplify_indexed() : GiNaC::ex
- size() : GiNaC::basic_multi_iterator< T >
- smod() : GiNaC::add, GiNaC::basic, GiNaC::ex, GiNaC::mul, GiNaC::numeric, GiNaC::structure< T, ComparisonPolicy >
- solve() : GiNaC::matrix
- sort() : GiNaC::container< C >
- sort_() : GiNaC::container< C >
- spinidx() : GiNaC::spinidx
- split_ex_to_pair() : GiNaC::add, GiNaC::expairseq, GiNaC::mul
- spmapkey() : GiNaC::spmapkey
- step() : GiNaC::numeric
- store_remember_table() : GiNaC::function
- struct_compare() : GiNaC::compare_all_equal< T >, GiNaC::compare_bitwise< T >, GiNaC::compare_std_less< T >
- struct_is_equal() : GiNaC::compare_all_equal< T >, GiNaC::compare_bitwise< T >, GiNaC::compare_std_less< T >
- structure() : GiNaC::structure< T, ComparisonPolicy >
- sub() : GiNaC::matrix, GiNaC::numeric
- sub_dyn() : GiNaC::numeric
- subs() : GiNaC::basic, GiNaC::clifford, GiNaC::container< C >, GiNaC::ex, GiNaC::expairseq, GiNaC::idx, GiNaC::matrix, GiNaC::numeric, GiNaC::power, GiNaC::pseries, GiNaC::relational, GiNaC::structure< T, ComparisonPolicy >, GiNaC::symbol
- subs_one_level() : GiNaC::basic
- subschildren() : GiNaC::container< C >, GiNaC::expairseq
- sufficiently_accurate() : GiNaC::lanczos_coeffs
- swap() : GiNaC::ex, GiNaC::expair, GiNaC::ptr< T >
- sy_is_less() : GiNaC::sy_is_less
- sy_swap() : GiNaC::sy_swap
- sym_desc() : GiNaC::sym_desc
- symbol() : GiNaC::symbol
- symbolset() : GiNaC::symbolset
- symmetrize() : GiNaC::ex
- symmetrize_cyclic() : GiNaC::ex
- symmetry() : GiNaC::symmetry
- symminfo() : GiNaC::symminfo