GiNaC 1.8.8
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CGiNaC::_numeric_digitsThis class is used to instantiate a global singleton object Digits which behaves just like Maple's Digits
 CGiNaC::archiveThis class holds archived versions of GiNaC expressions (class ex)
 CGiNaC::archive_nodeThis class stores all properties needed to record/retrieve the state of one object of class basic (or a derived class)
 CGiNaC::archive::archived_exArchived expression descriptor
 CGiNaC::basic_multi_iterator< T >Basic_multi_iterator is a base class
 CGiNaC::basic_partition_generatorBase class for generating all bounded combinatorial partitions of an integer n with exactly m parts in non-decreasing order
 CGiNaC::class_info< OPT >
 CGiNaC::compare_all_equal< T >Comparison policy: all structures of one type are equal
 CGiNaC::compare_bitwise< T >Comparison policy: use bit-wise comparison to compare structures
 CGiNaC::compare_std_less< T >Comparison policy: use std::equal_to/std::less (defaults to operators == and <) to compare structures
 CGiNaC::composition_generatorGenerate all compositions of a partition of an integer n, starting with the compositions which has non-decreasing order
 CGiNaC::container_storage< C >Helper template for encapsulating the reserve() mechanics of STL containers
 CGiNaC::determinant_algoSwitch to control algorithm for determinant computation
 CGiNaC::do_taylorException class thrown by classes which provide their own series expansion to signal that ordinary Taylor expansion is safe
 CGiNaC::domainDomain of an object
 CGiNaC::dunnoException class thrown by functions to signal unimplemented functionality so the expression may just be .hold()
 Cstd::equal_to< GiNaC::ex >Specialization of std::equal_to() for ex objects
 CGiNaC::exLightweight wrapper for GiNaC's symbolic objects
 CGiNaC::expairA pair of expressions
 CGiNaC::expair_is_lessFunction object for insertion into third argument of STL's sort() etc
 CGiNaC::expair_rest_is_lessFunction object not caring about the numerical coefficients for insertion into third argument of STL's sort()
 CGiNaC::expand_optionsFlags to control the behavior of expand()
 CGiNaC::factor_optionsFlags to control the polynomial factorization
 CGiNaC::G2_SERIALGeneralized multiple polylogarithm
 CGiNaC::G3_SERIALGeneralized multiple polylogarithm with explicit imaginary parts
 CGiNaC::gcd_optionsFlags to control the behavior of gcd() and friends
 CGiNaC::gcdheu_failedException thrown by heur_gcd() to signal failure
 CGiNaC::has_distance< T >SFINAE test for distance
 CGiNaC::has_optionsFlags to control the behavior of has()
 Cstd::hash< GiNaC::ex >Specialization of std::hash() for ex objects
 CGiNaC::info_flagsPossible attributes an object can have
 CGiNaC::is_not_a_cliffordPredicate for finding non-clifford objects
 CGiNaC::iterated_integral2_SERIALComplete elliptic integral of the first kind
 CGiNaC::iterated_integral3_SERIALIterated integral with explicit truncation
 Cstd::less< GiNaC::ptr< T > >Specialization of std::less for ptr<T> to enable ordering of ptr<T> objects (e.g
 CGiNaC::library_initHelper class to initialize the library
 CGiNaC::make_flat_inserterClass to handle the renaming of dummy indices
 CGiNaC::map_functionFunction object for map()
 CGiNaC::print_contextBase class for print_contexts
 CGiNaC::print_context_optionsThis class stores information about a registered print_context class
 CGiNaC::print_functorThis class represents a print method for a certain algebraic class and print_context type
 CGiNaC::print_functor_implBase class for print_functor handlers
 CGiNaC::print_optionsFlags to control the behavior of a print_context
 CGiNaC::archive_node::propertyArchived property (data type, name and associated data)
 CGiNaC::archive_node::property_infoInformation about a stored property
 CGiNaC::psi1_SERIALPolylogarithm and multiple polylogarithm
 CGiNaC::psi2_SERIALDerivatives of Psi-function (aka polygamma-functions)
 CGiNaC::ptr< T >Class of (intrusively) reference-counted pointers that support copy-on-write semantics
 CGiNaC::ptr< GiNaC::basic >
 CGiNaC::refcountedBase class for reference-counted objects
 CGiNaC::registered_class_optionsThis class stores information about a registered GiNaC class
 CGiNaC::remember_strategiesStrategies how to clean up the function remember cache
 CGiNaC::remember_table_entryA single entry in the remember table of a function
 CGiNaC::return_type_tTo distinguish between different kinds of non-commutative objects
 CGiNaC::scalar_productsHelper class for storing information about known scalar products which are to be automatically replaced by simplify_indexed()
 CGiNaC::series_optionsFlags to control series expansion
 CGiNaC::solve_algoSwitch to control algorithm for linear system solving
 CGiNaC::status_flagsFlags to store information about the state of an object
 CGiNaC::subs_optionsFlags to control the behavior of subs()
 CGiNaC::sym_descThis structure holds information about the highest and lowest degrees in which a symbol appears in two multivariate polynomials "a" and "b"
 CGiNaC::symminfoThis structure stores the individual symmetrized terms obtained during the simplification of sums
 CGiNaC::terminfoThis structure stores the original and symmetrized versions of terms obtained during the simplification of sums
 CGiNaC::class_info< OPT >::tree_node
 CGiNaC::visitorDegenerate base class for visitors
 CGiNaC::zeta1_SERIALComplex conjugate
 CGiNaC::zeta2_SERIALAlternating Euler sum or colored MZV

This page is part of the GiNaC developer's reference. It was generated automatically by doxygen. For an introduction, see the tutorial.