GiNaC 1.8.8
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
clifford.cpp File Reference

Implementation of GiNaC's clifford algebra (Dirac gamma) objects. More...

#include "clifford.h"
#include "ex.h"
#include "idx.h"
#include "ncmul.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "symmetry.h"
#include "lst.h"
#include "relational.h"
#include "operators.h"
#include "add.h"
#include "mul.h"
#include "power.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "archive.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  GiNaC::is_not_a_clifford
 Predicate for finding non-clifford objects. More...


namespace  GiNaC


 GiNaC::GINAC_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERED_CLASS_OPT (clifford, indexed, print_func< print_dflt >(&clifford::do_print_dflt). print_func< print_latex >(&clifford::do_print_latex). print_func< print_tree >(&clifford::do_print_tree)) GINAC_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERED_CLASS_OPT(diracone
 GiNaC::print_func< print_dflt > (&diracone::do_print). print_func< print_latex >(&diracone
 GiNaC::GINAC_BIND_UNARCHIVER (cliffordunit)
static bool GiNaC::is_dirac_slash (const ex &seq0)
static void GiNaC::base_and_index (const ex &c, ex &b, ex &i)
 This function decomposes gamma~mu -> (1, mu) and a\ -> (a.ix, ix)
ex GiNaC::dirac_ONE (unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a Clifford unity object.
static unsigned GiNaC::get_dim_uint (const ex &e)
ex GiNaC::clifford_unit (const ex &mu, const ex &metr, unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a Clifford unit object.
ex GiNaC::dirac_gamma (const ex &mu, unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a Dirac gamma object.
ex GiNaC::dirac_gamma5 (unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a Dirac gamma5 object.
ex GiNaC::dirac_gammaL (unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a Dirac gammaL object.
ex GiNaC::dirac_gammaR (unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a Dirac gammaR object.
ex GiNaC::dirac_slash (const ex &e, const ex &dim, unsigned char rl=0)
 Create a term of the form e_mu * gamma~mu with a unique index mu.
static unsigned char GiNaC::get_representation_label (const return_type_t &ti)
 Extract representation label from tinfo key (as returned by return_type_tinfo()).
static ex GiNaC::trace_string (exvector::const_iterator ix, size_t num)
 Take trace of a string of an even number of Dirac gammas given a vector of indices.
ex GiNaC::dirac_trace (const ex &e, const std::set< unsigned char > &rls, const ex &trONE=4)
 Calculate dirac traces over the specified set of representation labels.
ex GiNaC::dirac_trace (const ex &e, const lst &rll, const ex &trONE=4)
 Calculate dirac traces over the specified list of representation labels.
ex GiNaC::dirac_trace (const ex &e, unsigned char rl=0, const ex &trONE=4)
 Calculate the trace of an expression containing gamma objects with a specified representation label.
ex GiNaC::canonicalize_clifford (const ex &e)
 Bring all products of clifford objects in an expression into a canonical order.
ex GiNaC::clifford_star_bar (const ex &e, bool do_bar, unsigned options)
 An auxillary function performing clifford_star() and clifford_bar().
ex GiNaC::clifford_prime (const ex &e)
 Automorphism of the Clifford algebra, simply changes signs of all clifford units.
ex GiNaC::remove_dirac_ONE (const ex &e, unsigned char rl=0, unsigned options=0)
 Replaces dirac_ONE's (with a representation_label no less than rl) in e with 1.
int GiNaC::clifford_max_label (const ex &e, bool ignore_ONE=false)
 Returns the maximal representation label of a clifford object if e contains at least one, otherwise returns -1.
ex GiNaC::clifford_norm (const ex &e)
 Calculation of the norm in the Clifford algebra.
ex GiNaC::clifford_inverse (const ex &e)
 Calculation of the inverse in the Clifford algebra.
ex GiNaC::lst_to_clifford (const ex &v, const ex &mu, const ex &metr, unsigned char rl=0)
 List or vector conversion into the Clifford vector.
ex GiNaC::lst_to_clifford (const ex &v, const ex &e)
 List or vector conversion into the Clifford vector.
static ex GiNaC::get_clifford_comp (const ex &e, const ex &c, bool root=true)
 Auxiliary structure to define a function for striping one Clifford unit from vectors.
lst GiNaC::clifford_to_lst (const ex &e, const ex &c, bool algebraic=true)
 An inverse function to lst_to_clifford().
ex GiNaC::clifford_moebius_map (const ex &a, const ex &b, const ex &c, const ex &d, const ex &v, const ex &G, unsigned char rl=0)
 Calculations of Moebius transformations (conformal map) defined by a 2x2 Clifford matrix (a b\c d) in linear spaces with arbitrary signature.
ex GiNaC::clifford_moebius_map (const ex &M, const ex &v, const ex &G, unsigned char rl=0)
 The second form of Moebius transformations defined by a 2x2 Clifford matrix M This function takes the transformation matrix M as a single entity.



Detailed Description

Implementation of GiNaC's clifford algebra (Dirac gamma) objects.

Definition in file clifford.cpp.

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